國立成功大學圖書館的一冊一世界主題概念書展,是自2017年起每年舉辦的特色學術形象活動,每屆精選一部世界重要經典著作為核心,再延伸出相關主題的書單與內容所精心策劃的年度重點書展,本屆選擇的世界經典為物理學界舉足輕重的科學家阿爾伯特‧愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)所寫的《相對論入門:狹義和廣義相對論》。
Inspired by the content of the Albert Einstein’s Relativity: the special and the general theory. This booklet was designed under the concept of the universe. We used the imagery of the universal space to design the front and back cover. And we employed the blue color of the starry sky and the yellow color of the shiny stars as the major color scheme in the inside pages to form a consistent design style.